Kirribilli House 32

Lucena above, is a single mother. She earns her meagre living as a house helper, doing chores for other people including laundry, cooking, cleaning, to name just a few. Her house simply collapsed due to its dilapidated state. Fortunately no one was inside when it happened, otherwise it could have been a serious disaster.

Lucena is the deserving recipient of Kirribilli House 32.

On behalf of The Bohol Island Project, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to you all for the support and most especially to the Brown and Vos-Brooking families ( Robert, Dawn, Riley / Andrew, Marthe, Isabelle, Jack) for their efforts to raise funds for this house and travelling to Bohol to do some of the work. It was truly a delight for the locals to have them around!


Construction Video. Have a look!

Posted on June 14, 2023 .